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A member registered Jan 21, 2023

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Crash every time when going to sleep,.

 I was playing on android with joiplay(with compressed ver.), i have no lag during gameplay .

 i think AutoSave make my game crash when Sleep ,maybe add option to turn off auto saves ,or there a way to turn off autosaves on android?

Thanks for reply, i manage to reach ending with that,. Your game is amazing

Is this game will get more optimization for android? There no any animation when in my playtime but it become laggy and fc every 10mins on my phone (or maybe my phone is too potato x.x).

The game is become lagging on my Android when  User/Enemy taking action in battle ,but when idle in battle animation not lag at all ,lag just when taking action (like ±4x slower than in web battle animation). hope will get more optimize soon next update cuz this game intresting .